Monday, February 7, 2011

Your “The Comedies” Experience?

My experience with Shakespeare comedies is that they may have been funny for that time but I didn’t find the humor timeless … sort of. I think the play's are worth reading for the same reason its a good idea to read all of Shakespeares plays. The reason is listed under Wonderful Influence section below. I also found the best way to read the play's as listed under Best way to Read section.

My “The Comedies” experience

When reading Shakespeare I like to watch the play on video then read the book. I couldn’t get this play’s movie tell later so I did the opposite. In reading and observing the play I didn’t get that much enjoyment out of it. The nofear Shakespeare offered the most enjoyment but It still wasn’t by any means a comedy.  I enjoyed the classic Shakespeare wit “to wound thy lord, thy king … It blots they beauty, confounds thy fame.” (act 5 scene 2). But I think to really get the humor you have to really explicate and dig deep in the play to enjoy it. This may be sad to say but I can get more laughs out of a Will Ferrell movie with a lot less effort. I love the experiences you get from reading and that’s why I read but for this play I was looking for humor because of the genre the book was listed under. I also liked the arguments this play (“The Taming of the Shrew”) has created on wither or not this play is sexist. But as far as comical entertainment, the word play is too exhausting for me to understand and when I do understand I don’t get much more than a ha. I feel that if you learn to read Shakespeare more fluently the Comedies will become funny. The reason for this idea is listed under “Best Way to Read”.
Wonderful Influence
Lianna’s Blog about “She’s the man” really helped me identify the value of reading the plays. So much of movies today come from book’s especially Shakespeare. By reading the play’s it puts idea’s into your mind that you can later draw on. I haven’t read “Twelth Night” but I enjoy the movie “She’s the Man”. By reading Shakespeare text you can identify the art work in contemporary entertainment, just as it says at the start of the text book. I feel that even though I didn’t enjoy reading this play for the most part, I enjoy the development of my imagination which is very important. A great example of this is the movie “She is the Man” if I would have read the play and written the movie I would be rich. Imagination development is always a good investment because you never know when it will make you $$$ like the movie she is the man.  
Best Way to Read
The best way to read and understand and enjoy “The Comedies” would be to have it told to you by someone who knows the jokes and can explain them to the reader as you go. I explained to my dad my malcontent with the play’s and after chastising me he explained a few parts that I did get chuckles from. One example is Petruchio says “I have come to wive and to thrive” which I think is most guys desire to find a wife and thrive but he suggests that he wants a rich wife as he way of thriving. Petruchio marries into money but he becomes famous because his ability to tame the “shrew” not for the money he has. Petruchio shows that it is not money and beauty that causes the happiness type of success but love based on respect. You can have all the money and beauty in the world but having true love is the greatest fulfillment. My dad said a few others but this one stuck with me because I am current unmarried situation. I could identify with that fact and I saw how this play could be useful in my day because it seems the world tries to show that the more money and beauty you have the more happiness. If I were smart and had the talent I would do a contemporary version of this play right now and make $$$ like “She’s the Man”.

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