Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Taking stalk

I have met the majority of my goals for the most part. I could do more shorter posts though out the week and focus on the criteria for the class. I have discovered which was is best for me to read the plays as well as seen them performed except for the tempest. I have wanted to get into more primary research on Shakespeare but that type of text is so hard to come by so I have moved more to Biographies which I do read a little bit each week. I am developing breadth of Shakespeare which has been my goal for the first half of class while still getting the depth about Shakespeare through biographies.

I have read, Henry V, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, and most all of the tempest but not quite done. My outside research has been watching the plays performed on movie or in person, “The Rise of the Novel” by Ian Watt, Nofearshakespeare, cliffnotes.com, wikipedia, Research done by Milton Rosenbaum on murder suicide as well as calling a person that was effected by it, Chinua’s article“Image of Africa”,  called my parents for suggestions on understanding Shakespeare, Other class members blogs, our text book study guides specifically the biography, the Biography on Shakespeare on the BYU internet library.

I struggle with connecting to other blogs posts, tagging, intense debate, spelling and grammar, and commenting on others blogs regularly. I excel at connecting outside influences to the text and in depth research.

I have enjoyed learning some unique things about Shakespeare as well as reading the text. I notice that I get annoyed with all the research on Shakespeare that is of personal opinion. I would like to learn first hand about the man so that I can learn about the influences of his plays and the meaning behind them. This class has stretched me more than most of my classes. I have never been involved in social learning or in charge of my own learning in a class. This class has forced me to develop those skills which I think are not excellent yet but progressing. I have spent a lot of time in this class trying to understand the plays through reading them and outside research. What I need to work on is to focus on class requirements and using help from others to accomplish my goal of more primary research. I need to do more shorter posts though out the week as well.

The person that has influenced me the most is Lianna Manibog. She does some excellent well thought out and put together posts that have got my mind thinking about my own posts and how to improve them.  

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